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git-issue : CLIでRedmine/Github-issuesのticketをbrows/editできるgitサブコマンド


yuroyoro/git-issue · GitHub
git-issue | RubyGems.org | your community gem host




そこで、'git issue 1000'ってやると1000番のチケットを見ることができるようにした。

$ git issue 15

[open] #15 Issueをadd/updateするときに引数で全部渡すのタルい
yuroyoro opened this issue Tue Feb 28 03:38:17 UTC 2012

comments           : 0                        votes              :
position           :
labels             : 
html_url           : https://github.com/yuroyoro/git-issue/issues/15
updated_at         : Tue Feb 28 03:38:17 UTC 2012

'git issue list'ってやると一覧な。

$ git issue list

#4     open  tracとか                                           yuroyoro   c:0 v:0 p:0 2012/02/17 2012/02/17
#12    open  proxy環境下での利用についてもそっと何とか汁        yuroyoro   c:0 v:0 p:0 2012/02/24 2012/02/24
#15    open  Issueをadd/updateするときに引数で全部渡すのタルい  yuroyoro   c:0 v:0 p:0 2012/02/28 2012/02/28

pull requestを送ってくれた皆さんありがとう!




'gem install git-issue'で入る。あとは、 README読んでくれ。


git issue helpでコマンドとオプションの一覧が出てくる。RedmineとGithubで微妙にコマンドやオプションが違うので注意。以下は、Githubの場合

git issue <command> [ticket_id] [<args>]
show     s show given issue summary. if given no id,  geuss id from current branch name.
list     l listing issues.
mine     m display issues that assigned to you.
commit   c commit with filling issue subject to messsage.if given no id, geuss id from current branch name.
add      a create issue.
update   u update issue properties. if given no id, geuss id from current branch name.
branch   b checout to branch using specified issue id. if branch dose'nt exisits, create it. (ex ticket/id/<issue_id>)
publish  pub push branch to remote repository and set upstream 
rebase   rb rebase branch onto specific newbase
help     h show usage.
mention  men create a comment to given issue

    -a, --all                        update all paths in the index file 
    -f, --force                      force create branch
    -v, --verbose                    show issue details
    -n, --max-count=VALUE            maximum number of issues 
        --oneline                    display short info
        --raw-id                     output ticket number only
        --remote=VALUE               on publish, remote repository to push branch 
        --onto=VALUE                 on rebase, start new branch with HEAD equal to "newbase" 
        --debug                      debug print
    -s, --supperss_commentsc         show issue journals
        --title=VALUE                Title of issue.Use the given value to create/update issue.
        --body=VALUE                 Body content of issue.Use the given value to create/update issue.
        --state=VALUE                Use the given value to create/update issue. or query of listing issues.Where 'state' is either 'open' or 'closed'
        --milestone=VALUE            Use the given value to create/update issue. or query of listing issues, (Integer Milestone number)
        --assignee=VALUE             Use the given value to create/update issue. or query of listing issues, (String User login)
        --mentioned=VALUE            Query of listing issues, (String User login)
        --labels=VALUE               Use the given value to create/update issue. or query of listing issues, (String list of comma separated Label names)
        --sort=VALUE                 Query of listing issues, (created,  updated,  comments,  default: created)
        --direction=VALUE            Query of listing issues, (asc or desc,  default: desc.)
        --since=VALUE                Query of listing issue, (Optional string of a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ)
        --password=VALUE             For Authorizaion of create/update issue.  Github API v3 does'nt supports API token base authorization for now. then, use Basic Authorizaion instead token.
        --sslnoverify                don't verify SSL


  • 'git issue 'でチケットの詳細が表示される。
  • 'git issue list'で一覧表示。
  • 'git issue add'でチケット登録。内容は、コマンドライン引数でオプションで渡すなどしてくれ。
  • 'git issue update 'で更新する。